서울대학교 정치외교학부

Graduate Admissions

Notes for Graduate Program Applicants: Master’s and Doctorate
A. Master’s Program
(1) Those who hold a Bachelor’s degree from domestic or foreign institutions, or is recognized by law to hold an equivalent or higher degree
(2) Those who satisfy (1) and have TEPS or TOEFL scores of or higher than below
※ TEPS score : above 701 , TOEFL IBT : above 94

B. Doctorate Program
(1) Those who hold a Master’s degree from domestic or foreign institutions, or is recognized by law to hold an equivalent or higher degree (including those recognized by the Chancellor to hold an equivalent degree)
(2) Those who satisfy (1) and have TEPS or TOEFL scores of or higher than below
※ TEPS score : above 701 , TOEFL IBT : above 94, CBT : above 240, PBT : above 587.
Notes about Application Evaluation Process
International Relations Major does not conduct a separate major-related written examination or a second-language proficiency examination for its applicants. The documents, including the personal statement and study plan, accounts for 50% of the evaluation process, while the interview and oral examination accounts for the other 50%.
Notes for Submission of Documents
International Relations Major requires additional documents alongside the usual required documents (Official Bachelor’s Transcript, and TEPS or TOEFL). As additional documents, we require one recommendation letter from a professor (those who have completed their undergraduate career in Seoul National University International Relations Major are exempted) and one writing sample.

There is no special format for the ‘recommendation letter,’ but in the case of the ‘writing sample,’ the applicant should submit a 10~20 page (A4 size) writing that follows the ‘International Relations Major Thesis Format’ available in the International Relations website under Resources.

There is no restrictions on the topic for the writing sample, but it is preferred that the applicant submits a writing related to a Social Science field, especially International Politics.

※ Any plagiarism found in the writing sample is grounds for disqualification of the application.
Notes for International Relations Major Applicants
Those applying to the International Relations Major in Department of Political Science and International Relations, please note the following.

International Relations Major requires the applicants to submit one recommendation letter from a professor (students of Seoul National University International Relations Major, Department of Political Science and International Relations, do not require the recommendation letter from a professor) and one writing sample in addition to the other usual required documents (personal statement, study plan, official Bachelor’s transcript, and TEPS or TOEFL score reports).

Among the documents required above, ‘writing sample’ has specific guidelines and stardards that the applicants should follow, thus, it is imperative that they download the writing sample below as a reference.

Download Sample