서울대학교 정치외교학부


  • 1946
    Department of Political Science introduced in College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
  • 1958
    Department of International Relations introduced in College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
  • 1972
    Center for International Studies established in Department of International Relations
  • 1975
    Relocation of both departments to Gwanak Campus, Affiliation changed to place both departments under College of Social Sciences
  • 1981
    Department of Political Science held its first Gwanak National Assembly (annually since then)
  • 1986
    Center for Korean Politics established in Department of Political Science
  • 1988
    Department of International Relations held its first model UN General Assembly (annually since then)
  • 1998
    Department of International Relations organized its first Korean diplomatic field trip (annually since then)
  • 2002
    Department of International Relations hosted the first international exchange seminar with the International Relations Undergraduates of Hitotsubashi University, Japan (annually since then)
  • 2007
    Founded the Asian Future Political Leaders Association (AFPLA) (annually since then)
  • 2010
    Department of Political Science and Department of International Relations combined to establish Department of Political Science and International Relations, with Political Science and International Relations as its two majors