서울대학교 정치외교학부

Introducing Major

Political Science major seeks to respond to rapidly-changing world trends like globalization, informatization, and democratization through a systematic education that nurtures individuals with both broad understanding and technical knowledge of what the nation and the world demand.

Toward this end, our major encourages reading and debating the classics to cultivate a creative imagination and critical thinking along with leadership education that aims to foster individuals who can contribute to public and international development.

Prospective students, current students, and graduates have always utilized this website as a center of communication regarding issues of the state and the society that political science seeks to explore. Through such interactions, we hope that all individuals acquire a deeper understanding of the field and form a tighter, unified community of intellectuals.

Our Department of Political Science is often considered to be the foundation of the field and is on the forefront in fostering individuals who can continue the tradition.