서울대학교 정치외교학부



Ryu, Honglim
Job Title Faculty
Major Area History of Western Political Thought, Contemporary Political Theory
Office 16 #422
Office Phone +82-2-880-6334
Email honglim@snu.ac.kr





Department of Political Science & International Relations

College of Social Sciences

Seoul National University

Seoul 151-746, KOREA

Phone: +82-2-880-6334

Fax: +82-2-887-4375

Email: honglim@snu.ac.kr





1994:  Ph.D. (Political Science), Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J., USA

          (Dissertation: “The Politics of Ethical Discourse”)

1986:  M.A. (Political Science), Seoul National University, Seoul, KOREA

1984:  B.A. (Political Science), Seoul National University, Seoul, KOREA





History of Western Political Thought

Contemporary Political Theory





2006-present: Professor, Department of Political Science, Seoul National University

1995-2005: Assistant & Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Seoul National University

2009-2010: Visiting Scholar, Rutgers University

2006-2008: Director, Social Science Library, Seoul National University

2002-2004: Dean of Student Affairs, College of Social Sciences, SNU

2001-2002: Visiting Scholar, Harvard-Yenching Institute, Harvard University





Deliberative Politics for a Sustainable Democracy. In: Heung Seek Cho, ed., The Strategy and Policy Alternatives for Sustainable Development in Korea. Seoul: Seoul National University Press, 2014. (in Korean)

Contemporary Liberalism and the Universality of Human Rights. In: Bi-Hwan Kim, ed., Human Rights. Seoul: Ihaksa, 2010. (in Korean)

Giorgio Agamben’s Postmodern Political Philosophy: Sovereignty, Bare Life and the Politics of Potentiality, (with Chulki Hong), The Korean Review of Political Thought, vol. 13, no. 2, 2007. (in Korean)

Ideological Resources for the Integration of Two Koreas. Journal of Korean Politics, vol. 16, no. 2, 2007. (in Korean)

Contemporary Political Thoughts. Seoul: Ingansarang, 2003. (in Korean)

Ethics of Ambiguity and Irony: Jacques Derrida and Richard Rorty. Human Studies, vol. 24, 2001.

Justifying Discourse Ethics in the Public Sphere. In: San-Jin Han, ed., Habermas and the Korean Debate. Seoul: Seoul National University Press, 1998.

Conceptualizing the Multicultural Public Sphere: Public Sphere, Rationality and Multiculturalism. Korean Social Science Review, vol. 24, no. 2, 2002.

A Reading of the Dialectic of Enlightenment. Journal of Korean Politics, vol.8/9, 1999.

Sources of the Communitarian Ethics. New Political Science, no. 36/37, 1996.

Multiculturalism in the Korean Context. Korea Focus, vol. 6, no. 3, 1998.

Making Sense of Nietzsche's Critique of the Ascetic Ideal. 中西政治文化論叢, vol. 2, 2002.

A History of Korean Political Ideas. Journal of Korean Politics, vol. 11, 2002. (in Korean)

Understanding Contemporary Liberalism. Korean Social Science Review, vol. 21, 2000. (in Korean)

Habermas's Reconstructive Political Theory. Journal of Korean Politics, vol. 7, 1998. (in Korean)

Postmodernism and Liberalism. Social Criticism, no. 16, 1996. (in Korean)

The Political Implications of Kantian Ethical Theory. Korean Political Science Review, vol. 28, no. 2, 1995. (in Korean)

Nietzsche and the Crisis of Modernity. In: Young-Kook Kim, ed., The Philosophy of Leo Strauss. Seoul: Seoul National University Press, 1995. (in Korean)





2006-2008: Editor in Chief, Journal of Korean Politic   (The Institute of Korean Political Studies)

2005-2008: Editorial Board Member, The Korean Review of Political Thought  (The Korean Society for Political Thought)

2004-2008: Editorial Board Member, Korean Political Science Review (Korean Political Science Association)

2000-2009: Editorial Board Member, New Political Science (APSA Caucus for a New Political Science)