서울대학교 정치외교학부

Undergraduate News Detail

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Representative Publications in English



Books (selected)


Ahn, Doohwan. Britain before the Empire: Bolingbroke and the Road to the Patriot King, 1688-1751 (forthcoming).


Ahn, Doohwan, Christoph-Schmitt Maaß & Stefanie Stockhorst eds. Fénelon in the Enlightenment: Traditions, Adaptations, and Variations (forthcoming).


Ahn, Doohwan. 2014. The British Merchants; or, Commerce preserv’d, 3 vols. (London, 1713-1714). London: Anthem Press.


Ahn, T.K., Robert Huckfeldt, and John B. Ryan. 2014. Experts, Activists, and Democratic Politics: Are Electorates Self-Educating? New York: Cambridge University Press.


Chung, Jae-Ho. 2016. Centrifugal Empire: Central–Local Relations in China. New York: Columbia University Press.


Chung, Jae-Ho, ed. 2011.China’s Crisis Management. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge.


Chung, Jae-Ho. 2007. Between Ally and Partner: Korea-China Relations and the United States. New York: Columbia University Press.


Chung, Jae-Ho, ed. 2006. Charting China's Future: Political, Social and International Dimensions. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.


Chung, Jae-Ho. 2000. Central Control and Local Discretion in China: Leadership and Implementation during Post-Mao Decollectivization. New York: Oxford University Press.


Chung, Jae-Ho, ed. 1999. Cities in China: Recipes for Economic Development in the Reform Era. London: Routledge.


Chung, Jae-Ho and Tao-Chiu Lam, eds. 2010. China’s Local Administration: Traditions and Changes in the Sub-National Hierarchy. London; New York: Routledge.


Kim, Youngmin. 2018. A History of Chinese Political Thought. Cambridge: Polity Press.


Kwon, Hyeong-ki. (forthcoming) Changes by Competition: Evolution of the Korean Developmental State. New York: Oxford University Press.


Kwon, Hyeong-ki. 2004. Fairness and Division of Labor in Market Societies: A Comparison of U.S. and German Automotive Parts Markets. New York: Berghahn Books.





Journal Articles (selected)


Ahn, T.K., and John Barry Ryan. 2015. “The Overvaluing of Expertise in Discussion Partner Choice.” Journal of Theoretical Politics 27(3): 380-400.


Ahn, T.K. et al. 2013. “Expertise and Bias in Political Communication Networks.” American Journal of Political Science 57(2): 357-73.


Ahn, T.K., Mark Isaac, and Tim Salmon. 2011. “Rent-Seeking in Groups.” International Journal of Industrial Organization 29(1): 116-25.


Ahn, T.K., Robert Huckfeldt, and John B. Ryan. 2010. “Communication, Influences, and Information Asymmetry among Voters.” Political Psychology 31(5): 763-87.


Ahn, T.K., Elinor Ostrom, and James Walker. 2010. “A Common-pool Resource Experiment with Postgraduate Subjects from 41 Countries.” Ecological Economics 69: 2624-33.


Ahn, T.K., and Rick Wilson. 2010. “Elinor Ostrom’s Contributions to the Experimental Study of Social Dilemmas.” Public Choice 143: 327-33.


Ahn, T.K., Justin Esarey and John Scholz. 2009. “Reputation and Cooperation in Voluntary Exchanges: Comparing Local and Centralized Institutions.” Journal of Politics 71(2): 398-413


Ahn, T.K., Mark Isaac, and Tim Salmon. 2009. “Coming and Going: Experiments on Endogenous Group Sizes for Excludable Public Goods.” Journal of Public Economics 93: 336-51


Ahn, T.K., Mark Isaac, and Tim Salmon. 2008. “Endogenous Group Formation.” Journal of Public Economic Theory 10(2): 171-94.


Ahn, T.K., and Justin Esarey. 2008. “A Dynamic Model of Generalized Social Trust.” Journal of Theoretical Politics 20(2): 151-80.


Ahn, T.K., M.S. Lee, L. Rutan, and J. Walker. 2007. “Asymmetric Payoffs in Simultaneous and Sequential Prisoner’s Dilemma Games.” Public Choice 132: 353-66.


Ahn, T.K., Elinor Ostrom, and James Walker. 2003. “Heterogeneous Preferences and Collective Action.” Public Choice 117: 295-314.


Chun, Chaesung. 2002. “Hans Morgenthau on Realist Normative Theory, Cold War Structure and Some Implications on Inter-Korean Relations,” Global Economic Review 30(1): 24-44.


Chung, Jae-Ho. 2013. “Uncomfortable Allies or Uncertain Neighbors? Making Sense of China-North Korean Relations, 1949-2009,” Pacific Review 26(3).


Chung, Jae-Ho. 2012. “Korean Views of Korea-China Relations: Evolving Perceptions and Upcoming Challenges,” Asian Perspective 36(2): 219-236.


Chung, Jae-Ho. 2010. “East Asia Responds to the Rise of China: Patterns and Variations,” Pacific Affairs 82(4): 657-675.


Chung, Jae-Ho. 2009. “China’s ‘Soft’ Clash with South Korea: The History War and Beyond,” Asian Survey 49(3): 468-483.


Chung, Jae-Ho. 2009. “Assessing the ‘Revive the Northeast’ (zhenxing dongbei) Program: Origins, Policies and Implementation,” The China Quarterly 197: 108-125


Chung, Jae-Ho. 2008. “Studies of Contemporary Chinese Politics in Korea: A Mid-Term Assessment," The China Quarterly 194: 395-413.


Chung, Jae-Ho. 2007. “China and Northeast Asia: A Complex Equation for ‘Peaceful Rise,’” Politics 27(3): 156-164.


Chung, Jae-Ho. 2006. “Mounting Challenges to Governance in China: Surveying Collective Protestors, Religious Sects, and Criminal Organizations," China Journal 56: 1-31


Chung, Jae-Ho. 2005. “America's Views of China-South Korea Relations: Public Opinions and Elite Perceptions," Korean Journal of Defense Analysis 17(1): 213-234.


Chung, Jae-Ho. 2004. “China’s ‘City System’ in Flux: Explaining Post-Mao Administrative Changes,” The China Quarterly 180: 945-964.


Chung, Jae-Ho. 2004. “From a 'Special Relationship' to Normal Partnership: Interpreting the 'Garlic Battle' in Sino-South Korean Relations," Pacific Affairs 76(4): 549-568.


Chung, Jae-Ho, 2003. “The Political Economy of Industrial Restructuring in China: The Case of Civil Aviation," China Journal 50: 61-82.


Chung, Jae-Ho. 2003. “China's Reforms at Twenty-five: Challenges for the New Leadership," China: An International Journal 1(1): 119-132.


Chung, Jae-Ho. 2001. “South Korea between Eagle and Dragon: Perceptual Ambivalence and Strategic Dilemma," Asian Survey 41(5): 777-796.


Chung, Jae-Ho. 1999. “A Sub-Provincial Recipe of Coastal Development in China: The Case of Qingdao," The China Quarterly 160: 919-952.


Chung, Jae-Ho. 1995. “Studies of Central-Provincial Relations in the People's Republic of China: A Mid-Term Appraisal," The China Quarterly 142: 487-508.


Chung, Jae-Ho, and Lo Shiu-hing. 1995. “Beijing's Relations with the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region: An Inferential Framework for the Post-1997 Arrangement," Pacific Affairs 68(2): 167-186.


Chung, Jae-Ho. 1993. “The Politics of Agricultural Mechanization in the Post-Mao Era, 1977-1987," The China Quarterly 134: 264-290.


Chung, Jae-Ho. 1998. ‘South Korea-China Economic Relations: The Current Situation and Its Implications," Asian Survey 28(10):1031-1048.


Kang, Won-Taek, and Sohn Yul. 2014. “South Korea in 2013: Meeting New Challenges with the Old Guard.” Asian Survey 54(1): 138-44.


Kang, Won-Taek, and Sohn Yul. 2013. “South Korea in 2012: An Election Year under Rebalancing Challenges.” Asian Survey 53(1): 198-205.


Kang, Won-Taek. 2008. “How Ideology divides Generations? The 2002 and 2004 South Korean Elections.” Canadian Journal of Political Science 41(2): 461-80.


Kang, Won-Taek. 2004. “Protest Voting and Abstention in Plurality rule elections: An Alternative Public Choice Approach.” Journal of Theoretical Politics 16(1): 79-102.


Kang, Won-Taek, and Hoon Jaung. 1999. “The 1997 presidential election in South Korea.” Electoral Studies 18(4): 599-608.


Kang, Won-Taek. 1998. “The Rise of a Third Party in South Korea: The Unification National Party in the 1992 National Assembly Election” Electoral Studies 18(1): 95-110.


Kim, Joo Hyung. 2015. “The Social and the Political in Luhmann.” Contemporary Political Theory 14(4): 355-76.


Kim, Sangbae, and Jeffrey A. Hart. 2002. “Explaining the Resurgence of U.S. Competitiveness: The Rise of Wintelism.” The Information Society 18(1): 1-12.


Kwon, Hyeong-ki, and Kyung Mi Kim. 2018. “Varieties of Globalisation and National Economy: Korea's Experience from a Comparative Perspective.” Journal of International Relations and Development [DOI: 10.1057/s41268-018-0162-0].


Kwon, Hyeong-ki, and Kyung Mi Kim. 2017. “The State’s Role in Globalization: Korea’s Experience from a Comparative Perspective.” Politics & Society 45(4): 505-31.


Kwon, Hyeong-ki. 2013. “Politics of Institutional Change: Evolution of the Irish Social Concertation Model.” Comparative European Politics 11(4): 481-510.


Kwon, Hyeong-ki. 2012. “Politics of Globalization and National Economy: The German Experience Compared with the U.S.” Politics & Society 40(4): 581-607.


Kwon, Hyeong-ki. 2005. “National Model under Globalization: The Japanese Model and Its Internationalization.” Politics & Society 33(2): 234-52.


Kwon, Hyeong-ki. 2004. “The Japanese Employment Relations in Transition.” Economic and Industrial Democracy 25(3): 325-45.


Kwon, Hyeong-ki. 2004. “Associations, Civic Norms and Democracy: Revisiting the Italian Case.” Theory and Society 33(2): 135-66.


Kwon, Hyeong-ki. 2004. “Markets, Institutions, and Politics under Globalization: Industrial Adjustments in the United States and in Germany in the 1990s.” Comparative Political Studies 37(1): 88-113.


Kwon, Hyeong-ki. 2003. “Divergent Constitution of Liberal Regimes: Comparison between the US and German Automotive Suppliers Markets.” Politics & Society 31(1): 93-130.


Lim, Haeran. 2010. “Transformation of Developmental States: Political Economy of Economic Reform in Korea.” Journal of Contemporary Asia 4(2): 180-210.


Lim, Haeran. 2009. “Democratization and the Transformation Process in East Asian Developmental States: Financial Reform in Korea and Taiwan.” Asian Perspective 33(1): 75-110.


Lim, Haeran. 1998. “Politics of Industrial Transformation in Korea.” Pacific Focus 13(2): 41-60.


Park, Jong Hee. 2012. "What Determines the Specificity of Subsidy?" International Studies Quarterly 56(2): 413–426.


Park, Jong Hee, 2012. "A Unified Method for Dynamic and Cross-Sectional Heterogeneity: Introducing Hidden Markov Panel Models." American Journal of Political Science 56(4): 1040-1054. (Harold Gosnell Prize of 2010)


Park, Jong Hee, 2011. "Changepoint Models for Binary and Ordinal Probit Models: An Application to Bank Rate Policy in the Interwar Period" Political Analysis 19(2): 188-204.


Park, Jong Hee, 2010. "Structural Change in the U.S. Presidents' Use of Force Abroad." American Journal of Political Science 54(3).


Park, Jong Hee, and Nathan M. Jensen. 2007. "Electoral Competition and Agricultural Support in OECD Countries."American Journal of Political Science 51(2).


Park, Won-ho, Woo Chang Kang, and B. K. Song. 2018. “The Effect of Incumbency in National and Local Elections: Evidence from South Korea.” Electoral Studies 56: 47-60.


Park, Won-ho, and Leslie E. Anderson. 2018. “International Contributions to Nicaraguan Democracy: The Role of Foreign Municipal Donations for Social Development.” Foreign Policy Analysis 14(2): 276-97.


Park, Won-ho, Leslie E. Anderson, and Lawrence C. Dodd. 2017. “Electoral Competition and Democratic Decline in Nicaragua: Uncovering an Electorally Viable Platform for the Right.” Democratization 24(6): 970-86.


Park, Won-ho, Michael J. Hanmer, and Daniel Biggers. 2017. “Ecological Inference under Unfavorable Conditions: Straight and Split-Ticket Voting in Diverse Settings and Small Samples.” Electoral Studies 36: 192-203.


Park, Won-ho et al. 2010. “Losing Fewer Votes: The Impact of Changing Voting Systems on Residual Votes.” Political Research Quarterly 63(1): 129-42.


Park, Won-ho et al. 2007. “Good Excuses: Understanding Who Votes with an Improved Turnout Question.” Public Opinion Quarterly 71: 67-90.


Ryu, Honglim. 2001. “Ethics of Ambiguity and Irony.” Human Studies 24(1): 5-28.


Shin, Wookhee. 1994. “Geopolitical Determinants of Political Economy: The Cold War and South Korean Political Economy.” Asian Perspective 18(2).


Sohn, Injoo. 2013. “Between Confrontation and Assimilation: China and the Fragmentation of Global Financial Governance.” Journal of Contemporary China 82: 630-48.


Sohn, Injoo, Steve Chan, and Richard Hu. 2013. “Politics of Détente: Comparing Korea and Taiwan.” Pacific Review 26(2): 199-220.


Sohn, Injoo. 2012. “Toward Normative Fragmentation: An East Asian Financial Architecture in the Post-Global Crisis World.” Review of International Political Economy 19(4): 586-608.


Sohn, Injoo. 2012. “After Renaissance: China’s Multilateral Offensive in the Developing World.” European Journal of International Relations 18(1): 77-102.


Sohn, Injoo. 2008. “Learning to Cooperate: China’s Multilateral Approach toward Asian Financial Cooperation.” China Quarterly 194: 309-26.


Sohn, Injoo. 2005. “Asian Financial Cooperation: The Problem of Legitimacy in Global Financial Governance.” Global Governance 11(4): 487-504.


Song, Jiewuh. 2019. “Human Rights and Inequality.” Philosophy & Public Affairs 47(4): 347-77.


Song, Jiewuh. 2015. “Pirates and Torturers: Universal Jurisdiction as Enforcement Gap-Filling.” Journal of Political Philosophy 23(4): 471-90.
