서울대학교 정치외교학부


서울대학교 정치외교학부 교수진

Brandon Ives
직위 Assistant Professor
전공분야 Civil war and conflict; Middle East politics
Office 사화과학대학 514호
Office Phone 880-6492
Email brandonives@snu.ac.kr
Website http://www.brandonjives.com/


University of Maryland, Government and Politics, PhD, 2019

University of Maryland, Government and Politics, MA, 2016

University of California, Santa Barbara, Global Studies, BA, 2007


Journal/ Book Publication

Ives, B., & Lewis, J. S. (2020). From Rallies to Riots: Why Some Protests Become Violent. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 64(5), 958-986.

Ives, B. (2019). Religious Institutionalism: A Domestic Explanation for External Support of Rebel Groups. International Interactions, 45(4), 693-719.

Ives, B. (2019). Ethnic External Support and Rebel Group Splintering. Terrorism and Political Violence, 1-21.

Breslawski, J., & Ives, B. (2019). Killing for God? Factional Violence on the Transnational Stage. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 63(3), 617-643.