서울대학교 정치외교학부


서울대학교 정치외교학부 교수진

직위 교수
전공분야 중국정치외교, 동아시아비교정치, 국제정치경제
Office 사회과학대학 508호
Office Phone 880-6341
Email isohn@snu.ac.kr



Current Position


Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Faculty of Social Sciences, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea.


Professional Experiences     


The University of Tokyo

Visiting Professor, 2020-21

Seoul National University

Director, Institute for China Studies, 2019-2020

The University of Hong Kong

Assistant/Associate Professor (with tenure), 2007-2016


The Brookings Institution 

CEAP Visiting Fellow, 2014-15


The Warwick Commission on International Financial Reform 

Commissioner, 2009 


Princeton University (Joint Fellowship)

2006-07 Visiting Research Fellow

Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies 

2006-07 Post-doctoral Fellow

The Princeton-Harvard China and the World Program 


Intergovernmental Group of 24 and the United Nations Conferences on Trade and Development

Consultant, 2006


The George Washington University

Lecturer, 2005 


The Subcommittee on International Terrorism and Non-Proliferation 

The United States House of Representatives 

Research Intern, 2005 


The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 

Visiting Research Fellow, 2004


The Shanghai Institute for International Studies 

Visiting Research Fellow, 2004

Universities Service Center for China Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Visiting Research Fellow, 2004



Academic Qualifications


Ph.D. in Political Science, George Washington University, Washington D.C., USA, 2000-2006


M.A. in Asian Studies, Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, 1998-2000 


Exchange Student Program in Asian Studies, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, 1996-1997


B.A. in Asian History, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, 1991-1997






Academic Journal Articles (peer-reviewed journals)


* “The Politics of Fear: The Psychological Origin of Xi Jinping’s Centralization of Power,” (written in Korean) Korean Political Science Review, 54-1 (March 2020).


* “Asymmetrical Fairness: China’s Use of Antidumping Measures,” The Journal of World Trade, 54-1 (February 2020).


* “The Genesis of the 2019 Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Protest,” (written in Korean) Journal of Korean Politics, 29-1 (February 2020).


* “The Contentious Politics of Youth Unemployment: Comparing Korea and Taiwan,” The Korean Journal of International Studies, 17-1 (April 2019).


* “China’s Monetary Ambitions: RMB Internationalization in Comparative Perspective,” The Korean Journal of International Studies 13-1 (April 2015).


* “Between Confrontation and Assimilation: China and the Fragmentation of Global Financial Governance,” Journal of Contemporary China 82 (July 2013).


* “Politics of Détente: Comparing Korea and Taiwan,” (coauthored with Steve Chan and Richard Hu), Pacific Review 26-2 (2013).


* “Toward Normative Fragmentation: An East Asian Financial Architecture in the Post-Global Crisis World,” Review of International Political Economy 19-4 (October 2012).


* “After Renaissance: China’s Multilateral Offensive in the Developing World,” European Journal of International Relations 18-1 (March 2012).


* “Learning to Cooperate: China’s Multilateral Approach toward Asian Financial Cooperation,” China Quarterly 194 (June 2008).


* “Asian Financial Cooperation: The Problem of Legitimacy in Global Financial Governance,” Global Governance 11-4 (2005).



Book Chapters


* “Authoritarianism (權威主義論)” (written in Korean) in SNU faculty of political science (eds.) Understanding Politics, Pakyoungsa (2019).


* “Regionalism as Financial Statecraft: Pursuit of Counterweight Strategies by China and Japan” (co-authored with Saori N. Katada) in Leslie E. Armijo and Saori N. Katada (eds.) Financial Statecraft of Emerging Powers: Asia and Latin America in Comparative Perspective, Palgrave Macmillan (2014).


* “Legitimacy and Power: The Political Dynamics of East Asian Financial Regionalism” in Douglas Arner, Richard Hu, Ross Buckley (eds.) East Asian Economic Integration: Law, Trade and Finance, Edward Elgar (June 2011). [The updated version of “Asian Financial Cooperation: The Problem of Legitimacy in Global Financial Governance,” Global Governance]; Reprinted in Chinese Review of Financial Studies (Jinrong pinglun) 4-1, The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, February 2012.


* “China Studies and Theory Development” (written in Korean) in Jae Ho Chung (ed.) Contemporary China Studies and Methodology, Seoul National University Press (November 2010).



Policy Report/Commentary 


* “A Ticking Time Bomb? South Korea’s Youth Unemployment in Comparative Perspective,” Brookings working paper, June 2015.


* “AIIB: A Plank in China’s Hedging Strategy,” Brookings East Asia Commentary, No 87, May 2015 [Chinese translation by Xinhua’s Liaowang Institutions].


* “Five Political Challenges in China’s Monetary Ambition,” Brookings East Asia Commentary, No 86, March 2015[Chinese translation by Xinhua’s Liaowang Institutions]. 


* “New Challenges in the Periphery of China,” co-authored with Richard C. Bush III, opinion, Brookings Institution, November 7, 2014 [Chinese translation by Development Research Center of the State Council].  


* The Warwick Commission on International Financial Reform: In Praise of Unlevel Playing Fields (25,000-word policy report co-authored by the Warwick Commissioners, 2009).


* “East Asia’s Counterweight Strategy: Asian Financial Cooperation and Evolving International Monetary

 Order,” G-24 Discussion Paper Series, No. 44, United Nations (New York and Geneva), March 2007 pp.1-11—The earlier version of the paper was presented and circulated at the IMF annual meeting in Singapore, September 19-20, 2006.



Works in Progress


* Reflective State: China’s International Financial Statecraft in Comparative Perspective, 1927-1937 and 1997-2012 (single-authored book manuscript in preparation). 


* China and Global Governance (single-authored book manuscript in preparation). 


* “Ideology and Leadership Succession in Personalistic Dictatorships” (under review). 


* “Asymmetrical Fairness in Trade Preferences” (under review).


* “A Money Vision or Illusion? RMB Digitalization and International Monetary Order” (manuscript in preparation).


* “Politics of Emotion in East Asia” (manuscript in preparation).  


* “Toward High Tech Alliance: Creative Insecurity and ROK-US Alliance” (manuscript in preparation).





Other Outputs 


* “How to Deal with China: From Fear and Temptation to ‘Principled Pluralism’,” Maeil Business News Korea (MK), August 11, 2021.


* ““Trumpism and ‘Adventurous Diet’,” SNU Newspaper, March 21, 2021.


* “The Politics of Fear: Why Could Xi Jinping Swiftly Centralize Power?” Joongang Ilbo, April 15, 2020.


* “Hong Kong Protest,” SNU Political Science Alumni Newsletter, September 9, 2019.


* “Fertile Ground for AIIB,” Joongang Ilbo, April 27, 2015.


* “Yuan on Move, but Not to Top,” China Daily, February 27, 2015. 


* “The Future of Hong Kong and Shanghai,” The Journal of Korean Residents Association (in Hong Kong), January 2015.


* “Hong Kong’s Pro-democracy Movement,” Radio Free Asia, October 28, 2014 


* “Can Tail Wag the Dragon?” Joongang Ilbo, October 8, 2014


* “Hong Kong 2013: Culture, Economy and Politics,” The Journal of Korean Residents Association (in Hong Kong), December 18, 2013.


* “US-China Relations and the Future of Koreas,” Kyounghyang Shinmun, August 16, 2010.


* “Global Financial Crisis and New Opportunity,” Kyounghyang Shinmun, November 26, 2008.


* “China’s New Multilateral Diplomacy,” Chosun Ilbo, June 15, 2008.