서울대학교 정치외교학부


서울대학교 정치외교학부 교수진

직위 교수
전공분야 동아시아 정치경제, 비교정치경제
Office 사회과학대학 506호
Office Phone 880-6336
Email hrlim@snu.ac.kr



Ph.D., Political Science, University of California, Davis, 1996


M.A., Political Science, Ewha Womans University, 1987

B.A., Political Science, Ewha Womans University, 1984


Principal Experience



Senator, Seoul National University Senate, 2017.11 – 2019. 10.


Director, Institute of Gender Research, SNU, 2015. 9 – 2017. 8

Director, Institute of the Korean Political Studies, SNU, 2010. 9 – 2012. 8.

Chair, Department of Political Science, SNU, 2009. 9 – 2010. 2.

Visiting Fellow, CNAPS, Brookings Institution, 2007. 9 – 2008. 6.

Chair, Department of Political Science, SNU, 2006. 3 – 2007. 6

Professor, Department of Political Science, Seoul National University, 2006 – present

Assistant Professor, Seoul National University, 2004 – 2005

Assistant Professor, School of International Relations, Catholic Univ. of Korea, 2003 – 2004

Full Time Lecturer, School of International Relations, Catholic Univ. of Korea, 2001 – 2003

Post-Doc, Ewha Womans University, 1999 – 2000


Other Activities



Vice-President, Korean Political Science Association, 2019. 1 – 2019. 12.


Vice-President, Korean Political Science Association, 2017. 1 – 2017. 12.

Vice-President, Korean Association of International Studies, 2016. 1 – 2016. 12.

Audit Committee Member, Supreme Court, 2015. 4 – 2019. 4.

Vice-President, Korean Political Science Association, 2014. 1 – 2015. 12.

Board of Director, Korean Association of International Studies, 2013. 1 – Present

Board of Director, Korean Political Science Association, 2012. 1 – Present

Ethics Management Committee and Ombudsman, Korea Foundation, 2011. 9 – 2016. 8

Editor, Journal of Korean Political Studies, 2008. 9. – 2010. 8.

Planning and Evaluation Committee, National Research Council for Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences, 2005 – 2007.

Executive Committee, Korean Political Science Association, 2005 – present

Editorial Board, Korean Association of International Studies, 2005 – 2008.

Advisory Committee, Presidency Takeover Committee, 2003

Advisory Committee, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 2002 – 2007.

Advisory Committee, National Security Council, 2002

Research Fellow, Korea Institute for Future Strategies, 2001 – 2004

Lecturer, Ewha Womans Univ, Catholic University of Korea, etc., 1997 – 2000


Honors, Fellowships, Grants



Grants, Seoul National University Asia Center, 2015 – 2016


CNAPS Fellowship, Brookings Institution, 2007 – 2008

Research Grants, Seoul National University, 2004 – 2005

Grants, Sungkok Research Foundation, 2003

Grants, Korea Research Foundation, 2002 – present

Nonresident Tuition Fellowship at U.C. Davis, 1992 – 1993

Teaching Assistantship, U.C, Davis, 1990 – 1992

Graduation with First Honor, Ewha Womans University, 1984

Fellowship of Honor, Ewha Womans University, 1981 – 1984





International Political Economy and East Asia. Yulgok Press. (in Korean: co-authored)

Studies of the Korea-U.S. Trade Negotiation in the 1980s: with a focus on the case of 301 Trade Act in 1985 Korea National Diplomatic Academy. Kyungin Publishing. 2020. (in Korean)


Political Economy and Foreign Affairs National Security of Ageing Period Sahoe-Pyeongron Academy 2019. (in Korean: co-authored).

Democracy in Crisis. Baiksan Publishing House. 2019. (in Korean: co-authored)

Revisiting East Asian Developmental Model in Changes of 21st International Political Economy. SNU Press. 2018. (in Korean)

Korea Agenda 2017. Nanok Publishing Co. 2017. (in Korean: co-authored)

Regional Cooperation and Community Building in East Asia. Nanam Publishing Co. 2013. (in Korean: co-authored)

Integration of the Korean Society in a Free Economy. SNU Press. 2010. (in Korean: co-authored)

Diffusion and Internalization of Governance. Seoul: Daegyung. 2009. (in Korean: co-authored)

E-voting and Democracy. Seoul: In-gan Sarang. 2009. (in Korean: co-authored)

Informatization and National Strategy. Pureun-gil. 2006. (in Korean: co-authored)

Politics and Governance. Bobmunsa. 2002. (in Korean: co-authored)

Korea’s Growth and Industrial Transformation. London: Macmillan Press. 1998


Published Papers


“Crisis of Democracy and Economic Reform in Korea,” Journal of Korean Political Studies. 27(1), 2018. (in Korean)

“The Institutional Dynamics of U.S. Participation and Negotiation of TPP,” Korean Journal of EU Studies 20(2), 2015. (in Korean: co-authored with Soohyun Cho)

“Industrial Transition of Mozambique and Developmental State Model Applicability,” Journal of Korean Political Studies 24(2), 2015. (in Korean: co-authored with Hye-lim Yoo)

“Production Globalization and Changes in Production Network: Comparative Study between a EU firm and a Korean firm, ” Korean Journal of EU Studies 19(2), 2014. (in Korean: co-authored with Hanna Cho)

“Political Economy of the Policy Changes in the Korean Conglomerate Corporate Governance: With an Emphasis on the Political Salience,” Peace Research 22(2), 2014. (in Korean: co-authored with Min-Jong King)

“Political Economy of Financial Reform in Korea,” in In June Kim and Yeongseop Rhee (eds.), Overcoming Financial Crises: The Korean Experience, SNU Press, 2013. (co-authored with Yeongseop Rhee)

“Political Economy of the Polarization of LEs-SMEs Industrial Structure in Korea,” Korean Social Science Review 3(1), 2013.

“Globalization of Production and Transformation of Regional Production Network in East Asia,” Peach Research 21(1), 2013. (in Korean)

“The Order of International Political Economy in an Era of Great Transformation: Hegemony and the Transformation of Neoliberalism,” Korea & World Politics 28(1), 2012. (in Korean)

“Politics of Gender Equality: With an Emphasis on the Sameness and Difference Approach,” Journal of Women’s Studies 21(3), 2011. (in Korean)

“Good Governance of the New Industrial Policy in Korea: Promotion Strategy of Regional Economic Growth and the Daedeok Innopolis,” East and West Studies 22(1), 2010. (in Korean).

“Transformation of Developmental States: Political Economy of Economic Reform in Korea,” Journal of Contemporary Asia 40(2), 2010.

“Democratization and the Transformation Process in East Asian Developmental States: Financial Reform in Korea and Taiwan,” Asian perspective 33(1), 2009.

“Political Economy of Financial Supervisory Reform in Korean,” Journal of Korean Political Studies 18(1), 2009. (in Korean: co-authored with Ha Na Lee)

“Political Economy of East Asian Developmental States,” in KPSA (ed.), Introduction to Political Science, Bobmunsa, 2008. (in Korean)

“Comparative Studies of the Social Capital among Korea, Taiwan, and Japan: With a Focus on Trust in Cluster, Journal of Korean Political Studies 16(2), 2007. (in Korean)

“East Asian Developmental State and Governance: With a Focus on the Industrial Policy of Korea and Taiwan in Informatization Period,” New Asia 13(1), 2006 (Spring). (in Korean)

“The U.S. Trade Policy in the Bush Administration: The Role of Ideas and Interests,” Korea & World Politics 21(2), 2005 (Summer). (in Korean)

“Informatization and the State in Taiwan,” The 21st Century Political Science Review 15(2), 2005 (September). (in Korean)

“Korea-U.S. Trade Conflict and Korea-U.S. Alliance,” in Yongseop Han (ed.), Self-Reliance or Alliance: Korea’s Security and Foreign Policy in the 21st Century, Oreum, 2004. (in Korean)

“Financial Globalization and Taiwan’s Response: Focusing on the Financial Liberalization and Financial Reform,” Korean Political Science Review 37(5), 2003 (December). (in Korean)

“Political Economy of Korea-U.S. Trade Disputes in Automobile Industry,” The Korean Journal of International Relations 43(3), 2003 (October). (in Korean)

“Globalization and Trade-Industrial Policy in Korea,” in Young-Kwan Yoon and Keun Lee (eds.), Globalization and Political Reform in Korea, Hanoul-Academy, 2003 (July). (in Korean)

“The U.S. New Trade Policy and the Role of Idea,” Korean Journal of EU Studies, 2002 (December). (in Korean)

“Changes in International Political Economy and Economic Security,” in IPE Research Forum (eds.), Legacy from the 20th century: Global Economy and International Politics, Sahoe-Pyeongron, 2000. (in Korean)

“Reevaluation of Comparative Analysis between Korea and Taiwan: Focusing on the Process of Industrialization,” Journal of International Political Economy 3, 2001. (in Korean: co-authored with Seokjun-Lim)

“Crisis in Industrial Transformation: Comparative Analysis among Korea, Taiwan, and Japan,” Korea and World Politics 17(2), 2001. (In Korean)

“Critical Review on the Woman’s Studies in Korea,” Korean Political Science Review 35(2), 2001. (in Korean: co-authored with Mikyung Lee)

“Trust in Subcontracting Relations Between the Large Enterprises and Small-Medium Enterprises in Korea: With Implications for Economic Development,” International Studies Review 3(2), 2000 (December).

“Trust and Economic Development: Comparison of Subcontracting Relationship among Korea, Japan, and Taiwan,” The Korean Journal of Policy Studies 15(1), 2000.

“Crisis in East Asia: East Asian Model and Regional Economic Cooperation,” The Korean Journal of International Relations 40(2), 2000. (in Korean)

“New Concept of Economic Security,” Journal of Security Studies 10(1), 1999. (in Korean)

“Global Capitalism and Capital Accumulation of Korea: Hegemonic Structure, the State, Production,” International and Area Studies 8(3), 1999. (in Korean: co-authored with Seungook Ahn)

“Economic Crisis and the Patterns of Industrial Transformation in Korea and Taiwan: Industrial Policy and Political Coalition,” Korean Political Science Review 33(1), 1999. (in Korean)

“Politics of Industrial Transformation in Korea: Coalition and Industrial Policy,” Pacific Focus 13(2), 1998.

“The Politics of Industrial Transformation in Korea: A Coalition Approach,” Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Political Science, University of California, Davis, 1996.

“The Political Theory of J. J. Rousseau: Critical Analysis of the Social Contract Theory,” M.A. Thesis, Department of Political Science, Ewha Womans University, 1987.